
NFTs: Beliebte Prominente und Marken

Cryptocurrencies are gaining more and more ground in the current digital ecosystem, gaining visibility they have not achieved so far. As a result, we can see a rise in the prices of some of the most widely used cryptocurrencies. And broader market penetration, where many are beginning to see it as an innovative and alternative payment means. 


Likewise, the use of blockchain technology has had a significant boost in recent months, especially from the hand of NFTs. Non-fungible tokens represent digital assets backed by this technology, which makes them unique digital assets and very attractive for the marketing strategy of companies. 


For example, in recent months, there has been a big boom around NFT-based games, creating a growing economy supported by cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Moreover, these digital assets have also made a special place among large companies to boost their marketing campaigns and reach new communities. 


Correos launches into the world of NFTs with the issuance of crypto-stamps. 

NFTs provides companies and brands with an innovative and differentiating element for their branding and visibility campaigns. They have an exclusive character focused on reaching users with a more profound interest in digital media. 


One of the companies that have decided to bet on this NFT trend in the Spanish market is Correos. The Spanish public company dedicated to postal service has been diversifying its business for some years. Such as the creation of Correos Market, an online marketplace for local products. 


And now, it has decided to try its luck with NFTs, hand in hand with British consultancy Grant Thornton and Ethereum blockchain technology. This project involves issuing a limited series of crypto stamps, which will have the same utility as conventional stamps. These crypto-stamps have a unique token character, the authenticity of which is supported by blockchain technology. 


The contract with Grant Thornton is around 163,000 euros to develop this business model within the Ethereum network, the second most used in the blockchain world.  


In any case, Correos will not be the first postal company to turn to crypto-stamps. In 2019, Austrian Post became a pioneer in this field by issuing 150,000 units of this type of stamps, authenticated through blockchain and usable to send packages, for €6.90. 


Luxury and blockchain: the case of Louis Vuitton  

Louis Vuitton is a global fashion icon, so its foray into this world gives greater acceptance and visibility to this digital trend. The French fashion house has designed a game called Louis The Game, based on the story of its founder.  


It will feature Vivienne. A character who must travel through a world inspired by cities where the fashion brand has a prominent commercial presence, such as Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, New York, and London. As she walks, the character will have to collect candles called 200 Anecdote in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Vuitton. 


Beeple, a renowned digital artist and creator of NFT, has participated in this project by creating 10 of the 30 collectible NFTs that one can find in this game. According to the fashion brand, these NFTs are not for sale. They will be merely collectible, seeking to offer an educational experience through the game rather than generating profits. 


It is not the first time the clothing company has ventured into digital design. In 2019 it collaborated with the video game League of Legends to create a new look for one of its characters. They also created a case for the trophy given to the League of Legends World Championship winner, one of the most important events in the eSports landscape. 


What is it that attracts Celebrities so much to the world of NFTs? 

Thanks to NFTs, rich and famous actors, entrepreneurs, and athletes. They can leverage their star appeal by launching coveted digital collectibles. Those represent not only them and their “works” but also unique items or access for their fans to official and exclusive events and merchandising. Moreover, in addition to their tokens, celebrities spend – or invest – fortunes with NFTs. The fact that everyone can see their purchases transforms the space into another place for promotion and publicity. 


It’s not news that celebrities buy art, overpriced art. Blockchain and NFTs open a new window to art investments. Blockchains show their entire collections and a range of other data that might have gone unnoticed in a traditional environment. Records show that more than a dozen well-known public figures own NFTs. From Bored Ape Yacht Club, a collection of thousands of unique and exclusive NFTs whose tokens have become collectibles and status symbols. 


Stars such as Golden State Warriors player Stephen Curry, Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks and “Shark Tank” reality shark, comedian and host Jimmy Fallon, and rap star Snoop Dogg, among others, own NFTs. The trend has only been growing, especially in the last 12 years. Let’s look at a few examples: 


  • Eminem 

Marshall Mathers III, is an avid collector of NFTs. In late April 2021, Eminem released his first NFTs, animated digital collectibles inspired by his music and made for fans. In August, with his friend and Goliath Records CEO Paul Rosenberg, he participated in Makersplace’s Series A funding round. Then, in January 2022, Eminem purchased Bored Ape Yacht Club #9055 for $452,000.  


Since then, the American hip-hop star has acquired a bunch more NFTs: records show he owns some 4,064 NFTs from 134 collections. He has tokens from Clonex, Doodles, Kongz, World of Women (WoW) and a Gucci Grail Mint Pass NFT. In addition, he has MAYC #922 valued at $45,000, Clonex #10644 valued at $29,000, and Clonex #17146 valued at $29,000. 


  • Shaq 

NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal is also a big collector of NFTs. Data shows Shaq’s most valuable NFT, in terms of estimated price value, is Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) #14452, valued at USD 44.1K. Still, he owns Creature #9018 valued at USD 5.2K, and around 890 other NFTs from 90 different collections. 


  • Paris Hilton 

Paris Hilton, an influencer, celebrity, socialite, and entrepreneur, has been a fan of digital currencies for quite some time. Hilton is also a big fan of NFTs and the metaverse and has a sizable NFT collection. Statistics show that Hilton has 1,699 NFTs from 118 collections. Her most valuable NFT, in terms of estimated price value, is the Bored Ape Yacht Club #1294, valued at $211,000. The entrepreneur and model is also a fan of her NFTs and other collections, such as Clonex, Machine Hallucinations, and a Gucci Grail Mint Pass. 


  • Gwyneth Paltrow 

Gwyneth Paltrow, actress and entrepreneur has been in the crypto ecosystem for years and is currently collecting non-fungible tokens. She currently owns 82 NFTs from 12 different collections. The most valuable, in terms of estimated price, is BAYC #6141, valued at $223,000. But Paltrow is also a fan of the World of Women (WoW) NFTs and the famous Gucci Grail Mint Pass, worth thousands of dollars. 


  • Justin Bieber 

Finally, recently American singer Justin Bieber bought his first Bored Ape figure worth 500 ETH (approximately $1.3 million). He added a second jumpsuit to his collection in the last few days. 



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