
Was ist Forex-Marktanalyse?

Forex market analysis is the practice of examining the changes in currency prices and the forces influencing those price changes. It is used by forex traders who buy and sell currencies to profit. Forex analysis is the study of determining whether to buy, sell, or hold for further trading. Significant types of analysis include technical, sentiment, weekend, and fundamental, with many traders using a blend of these approaches. 


Fundamental analysis 

Fundamental analysis is often used to analyze changes in the forex market by monitoring figures, such as unemployment rates, interest rates, GDP, geopolitical aspects, and other types of economic data.  

It does not give an exact or perfect number but gives you an idea of the currency’s future. Traders look into the financial reports mainly based on their economic data; these reports enable them to mitigate the risk. It is a long-term or mid-term strategy for decision-making. Still, the market momentum can be shifted easily by a single press release or a single notification issued by the government or its central bank. Interest Rates, GDP Growth, Industrial Production, CPI, and Retail Sales are the key factors that influence the fundamental analysis.  


Technical analysis 

Technical analysis helps predict future market movements in currency prices, open interests, and volumes based on past information. It provides short-term predictions. 

The technical analysis is in the form of both manual and automated systems. A manual system means a trader analyzes technical indicators and renders that data into a buy or sell decision. Automated in the sense that the software is available and helps you get the best out of it. Manual is most of the factors to be studied by yourself, in all this automated have many advantages on the manual analysis. 

The basic principle of how technical analysis works is DOW Theory. The DOW theory is a financial theory that says the market is in an upward trend. If one of its averages advances above a previous critical high and is accompanied by another average.  


Weekend Analysis 

This is a blueprint analysis. By doing weekend analysis, you create a ‘Big Picture view of a particular market in which you are interested. Since the market is closed, you don’t need to react rapidly, but it will help you to set up your trading plans for the coming week and establish the necessary mindset. 


Sentimental Analysis 

The participants in each market, also the investors, have their own opinion. Why the market is acting in the manner it will and whether or not to change its direction. These thoughts and opinions rely upon the position of the traders and investors. This additional helps within the overall sentiment of the market. 

Even if you believe that the dollar will go up, everybody else is Bearish, and there’s nothing a lot of you’ll do. It is the trader’s read on how he’s feeling concerning the market, whether or not it’s Bullish or Bearish. 



Forex trading is all about trading based on strategy. These help you gain an insight into the market movements. Each strategy holds equal importance, and neither can be singled out. To become a pro trader, you must know how these four work. 



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